Celebrating International Women’s Day 2024
“When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment. Collectively let’s forge a more inclusive world for women.”
This year for international women’s day, we’re celebrating the theme of #inspireinclusion. At Design Bridge and Partners, inclusivity and collaboration are fundamental to our culture, and we’re committed to upholding these values in everything we do. We are constantly working to readdress imbalance - creating an environment where people feel confident to contribute, and different voices are valued, where intuition and empathy are as important as data and deadlines.
Today, we’re celebrating some of the brilliant women across our studios, sharing their wisdom and insights to inspire inclusion in others.
We asked our people from around the group to share words of experience and advice, from “What does inclusion mean to you?” and “Share a time when you felt a real sense of inclusion”, to “What insights or lessons are there about inclusion from your career and personal experience.” Together with artist Ella Samoles-Little from Accumulate, The Art School for the Homeless, which provides higher-level creative education and empowerment for people affected by homelessness, we then created a series of portraits with illustrated type to help bring those experiences and advice to life.