Metaverse experience recognised at The Lovies

Congratulations to our creative technology team, shortlisted for our innovative Metaverse experience 'The Revolutionary Road' at this year's Lovie Awards, in the inaugural Web3, NFTs and Metaverse category.
Revolutionary Road is an immersive experience in the metaverse built to gather our people across the world in one place. A new digital space, one as unique as each of our people. Inspired by the idea of a 'creative revolution', the Revolutionary Road invites us on a journey from the Room of Roots, consisting of our greatest inspiration and the foundation for all our ideas, through the Forest of the Unseen to find the ideas we fell in love with but have not yet had the chance to see the light of day, and emerging into the Canopy of the Infinite, to see the boundless possibilities of our ideas, representing our limitless potential. A journey of inspiration, exploration and discovery, and a celebration of the journey that our ideas take on the route to revolution.
The 12th Annual Lovie Awards is the most prestigious European awards programme honouring online excellence and the best of the Internet, from websites, advertising, video and apps, to exciting Web3, NFT and Metaverse experiences. Reflecting the tremendous growth of the Internet as a tool for business and everyday lives...
Design Bridge and Partners Metaverse experience: Revolutionary Road
Web3, NFT & Metaverse