



Developing a strategy for Phytorestore that defines its pioneering leadership position, as nature’s partner that brings the power of science to make a better world.

Phytorestore’s unique technology applies science to further the power of nature, to accelerate the healing process, and recover and restore. Ultimately, helping nature to do its work. We created an identity as an expression of nature’s own “technology”, portraying exquisite botanic drawings as a form of art with engineering precision. It’s the ultimate expression of extraordinary solutions, and a triumph of the scientific mind and humanity coming together to work for our environment.


  • Tech & Digital Services


  • Brand Strategy

  • Brand Identity

  • Communications

Born in France, Phytorestore is a bioscience pioneer that uses cutting-edge technology to reduce the toxic effects of pollutants in nature. By using the healing power of plants combined with oxygen and minerals, they are able to remove toxins from water, air and soil to restore biodiversity in rivers, lakes, parks, and cities around the world.

Inspired by the idea of a ‘bio-accelerator’, we developed a strategy for the brand that defines its pioneering leadership position, as nature’s partner that brings the power of science to make a better world.

The identity is an expression of nature’s own ‘technology’, portraying exquisite botanic drawings as a form of art with engineering precision.

Heitor Pfiffer

Creative Director, Brazil