


Legal & General

Giving one of Europe's largest insurance groups a new personality

Giving one of Europe's largest insurance groups a new personality


  • Legal & General


  • Banking & Finance


  • Brand Strategy

  • Brand Identity

  • Communications

Founded in 1836 with the purpose to improve the lives of its customers, building a better society and creating value for shareholders, to date, Legal & General has invested over £25 billion in direct investments such as homes, urban regeneration, clean energy and small business finance.

We set out to take what was already there, power it up and make it work harder. We took the rather complex brand framework and shone a light on Legal & General's unique approach to doing business: 'Inclusive Capitalism'. A form of capitalism, which in the words of its CEO, Nigel Wilson, 'puts in place ways to make people benefit from economic growth'.

Our approach was simple. Don't reinvent. Just dial it up.

With a new personality - 'bright', 'calm', and most importantly, 'real' - we created a new image library to reflect the shape of real lives in the UK.