


Metaverse Revolutionary Road

450 people. 16 offices. 12 countries. 5 continents. One global lockdown. How better to unite us than under one virtual roof?

When the Covid-19 lockdown hit and everything we knew was uncertain, we turned to the future. For our global company townhall, we created a new space in the metaverse where together we could connect, discover, be inspired, and pave the way to a creative revolution.


  • Tech & Digital Services


  • Mozilla Hubs

  • AWS


  • Brand Experience

  • Environmental Branding

  • Creative Technology

For our global company townhall we created the Revolutionary Road: an immersive experience in the metaverse built to gather our people across the world in one place. A new digital space, one as unique as each of our people. The global platform that enables you to be whoever you wanted to be. To meet whoever you wanted to meet. And to feel like you are in the same room as them.

The concept is inspired by the idea of a ‘creative revolution’. Revolutionary Road invites us on a journey that requires inspiration, exploration and discovery - a celebration of the journey that our ideas take on the route to revolution.

We begin in the Room of Roots, consisting of our greatest inspiration that provide the foundation for all our ideas and pushes the boundaries in our work. Then we continue into the Forest of the Unseen, to find the ideas that we fell in love with but have not yet seen the light of day. Finally emerging to see the boundless possibilities of our ideas, in the Canopy of the Infinite, representing our limitless potential.