



Creating a platform to shoot for the stars

Dedicated to conducting scientific research into messaging extra-terrestrial intelligence


  • METI International


  • Tech & Digital Services


  • Brand Strategy

  • Brand Identity

  • Communications

As an organisation dedicated to conducting scientific research into messaging extra-terrestrial intelligence, METI International has always balanced the cutting-edge with a timeless outlook on its work. So when we were asked to develop a visual identity to establish METI in the tech sector, raise awareness of its and rally the audiences, we needed to shoot for the stars.

Our brand is inspired by the Arecibo message, the 1974 interstellar radio communication broadcast into space. Constructed using binary code to represent scientific and mathematical data, and graphic pictograms about life on Earth, the message was mankind's first greeting to the universe.

This inspired us to craft METI's own unique message: 'Hello, Universe.'