


Most Valuable Brands in Brazil

Date 2023-06-30

Design Bridge and Partners and TM20 Consulting present the 2023 edition of the Most Valuable Brands in Brazil ranking, marking the award’s 20th anniversary. Mercado Livre, Itaú, and Vivo make up the podium of the 3 Most Valuable Brands, respectively. The data analysis and development of the rankings for the Most Valuable Brands 2023 edition were carried out by Design Bridge and Partners and TM20. Trademap, a provider of financial data for publicly traded companies, is a project partner.

The study also presented the Strongest Brazilian Brands, with Nubank at the top, as well as the Strongest Global Brands present in Brazil, with Google at the top.

In addition to the well-known rankings of the Most Valuable and the Strongest Brands, the edition saw the introduction of a new ranking, Design-Driven Brands. Google is placed first, Amazon is second, and Tramontina is third. This Ranking was created to connect design as a strategic transformation tool with the generation of value in a broader sense.

All current rankings and studies, as well as new publications, will be incorporated into the BrandAsset index, a joint initiative of Design Bridge and Partners and WPP. The BrandAsset Index was created to catalyze the brand studies developed by the group's various agencies and consultancies in Brazil, as well as in collaboration with other entities, including academics. The studies and rankings are based on BAV data.

“We believe that the best way to understand the contemporary world, which is increasingly driven by change, is by asking the right questions. Understanding and interacting with the complexities of the context that surrounds us. To accomplish this, we created the BrandAsset Index, a discussion site designed by Design Bridge and Partners in collaboration with WPP. We were able to bring together the group's operations and agencies, clients, society, and academics as key stakeholders in this space for a broader and deeper discussion about the role of brands in today's world.”

— Marcelo M. Bicudo, CEO of Design Bridge and Partners Brazil

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Learn more about the rankings in the sequence presented:

Brazil’s Most Valuable Brands

By combining the BAV data with the financial data provided by Trademap, it was possible to value each brand. The technical study, led by TM20 and Design Bridge and Partners, calculated the values of the major Brazilian brands. The highlights were Mercado Livre, which maintained its first-place position from 2022, and Itaú, which also maintained its second-place position. The big news among the top three is Vivo, which has risen one position since 2022. Six of the top ten placed companies saw their brand valuations fall. Positive highlights included some top-ten debuts, such as Localiza and Quinto Andar, which were ranked fourth and fifth, respectively. XP has also risen in the rankings.

“With the elections and the World Cup, as well as the strong default caused by inflation and the economic crisis, the country practically came to a halt at the end of last year." This factor has a significant impact on retail, with a multiplier effect that affects banks as well. Localiza's value increased as a result of the merger with Unidas, and it continues to benefit from the increase in rentals driven by users of transportation apps. Quinto Andar, for its part, is reaping the benefits of having revolutionized the dynamics of the real estate market in recent years.”

— Eduardo Tomiya, Founding Partner of TM20 Branding

Ranking of Brazil’s Most Valuable Brands:

  1. Mercado Livre -$10,783 (-6%)
  2. Itaú - $ 4,532 (-45%)
  3. Vivo -$2,977 (-21%)
  4. Localiza - $ 1,902 (+124%)
  5. Quinto Andar - $ 1,878 (NA)
  6. XP -$1,648 (+33%)
  7. Magalu -$1,187 (-51%)
  8. Skol -$1,179 (-30%)
  9. Assaí -$0,988 (+20%)
  10. Natura -$0,980 (-66%)

Strongest Brazilian Brands

This study is entirely based on BAV data, and only brands of Brazilian origin or with a primary presence in the Brazilian market are considered.

“The BAV allows us to track the evolution of markets in terms of brand perception and to understand how much the cultural, economic, and social context directly influences brand perception and creation." As a result, having BAV as its fundamental brand model allows WPP to monitor the role that the brand has in a society and vice versa, understanding that this relationship happens at any time during the consumer journey and in different contexts.”

— Mariana Pagano, Head of Strategy and Data at Grey and BAV's leader in Brazil

BAV’s data for Brazil are based on quantitative research involving 16,000 respondents across 132 categories in the second half of 2022, covering over 1600 brands. BAV views strong brands as engines of growth and value creation by catalyzing a brand's momentum in a fundamental pillar: Brand Strength, which is comprised of the combination of Differentiation and Relevance. As a result, the top ten Brazilian Strongest Brands were ranked, with Nubank once again taking first place.

In addition to Nubank's consistent leadership, the ranking shows Havaianas and Mercado Livre, which did not appear among the top ten in 2022, taking the second and third positions, respectively, while Americanas dropped out due to all of the recent problems. Natura and Cacau Show, fourth and fifth place this year, advanced two positions from the previous edition. Despite the fact that the service sector accounts for 70% of the Brazilian economy, we have brands from a wide range of categories and industries. Traditional brands as well as new brands that have emerged strongly in the last decade. This means that in times of crisis or difficulty, as we have seen in 2022, consumers gravitate toward trusted brands; the ones that clearly differ in offer and value proposition, and that have a history of use. That is, these brands are positively present in people's lives.

Ranking of Brazil’s Strongest Brands:

  1. Nubank
  2. Havaianas
  3. Mercado Livre
  4. Natura
  5. Cacau Show
  6. Sebrae
  7. Tramontina
  8. iFood
  9. Brastemp
  10. O Boticário

Strongest Global Brands in Brazil

The same data survey identified multinational technology companies again as the strongest international brands in Brazil, with Google and YouTube maintaining the top two positions, while Netflix takes the third position ahead of Whatsapp, reversing positions from last year. The big news is the presence of the Marvel brand in fifth place, with Disney climbing three spots to sixth. Nike's presence among the top ten in Brazil is another first.

“These brands remain relevant by being present at various touchpoints of the consumer journey, creating dialogues that extend beyond the product/service offer. They maintain their differentiation while expanding their arenas and increasing their benefits offer.”

— Renor Sell Junior, Design Bridge and Partners’ leader in brand strategy

Ranking of the Strongest Global Brands:

  1. Google
  2. YouTube
  3. Netflix
  4. Whatsapp
  5. Marvel
  6. Disney
  8. Instagram
  9. Nike
  10. Microsoft

Design Driven brands

This year’s main novelty is the ranking of Design Driven brands, which was created by correlating image attributes with Brand Strength and Esteem. Based on factor analysis, these attributes were grouped into seven Design Drivers. The brands received scores for each of these Drivers, and the ones that stood out the most overall gave rise to the Ranking presented here.

Another interesting aspect of this study is that it is entirely based on the perception of the Brazilian consumer, i.e., it is centered on the brand user. This point is crucial because it assesses the consumer's experience with brands as well as the brands' ability to respond to consumer needs.

“Design can no longer be understood solely in terms of the finished product." No other strategic approach can foster interdisciplinarity as effectively as design, creating a systemic vision of how to connect business, brand, sustainability, and technical aspects with creativity.” > > — Marcelo M. Bicudo, CEO of Design Bridge and Partners Brazil

Google received the highest score in this evaluation, followed by Amazon and the Brazilian Tramontina. It is worth noting the presence of brands with a high recurrence in consumers' lives, intermingling the digital and physical worlds. They are essentially brands that solve people's problems very well through creative, aesthetic, and highly communicative solutions. They are largely innovative, bold, and disruptive in their categories, capable of promoting change and the evolution of society in general. They have distinct identities that are aligned with their brand positioning. It is worth noting Tramontina's presence as the only essentially Brazilian brand that has been making significant efforts in terms of product design and audience engagement.

“Design is a strategic tool for building strong brands; strategic adoption of these drivers helps to create new codes and ways of connecting brands with people, creating new arenas or even resignifying the culture itself.”

— Renor Sell Junior, brand strategy leader at Design Bridge and Partners

  1. Google
  2. Amazon
  3. Tramontina
  4. Nike
  5. Samsung
  6. YouTube
  7. Faber-Castell
  8. Havaianas
  9. Android
  10. Netflix